Tired of looking at a similar wallpaper design online and want to make a statement with a unique wallpaper design for your house? Then photo mural wallpaper can aid you easily. Wallpaper & Carpets Distributors (M) Sdn Bhd provides photo mural wallpaper to our esteemed clients at an affordable price. With our photo mural, wallpaper clients can create a theatrical backdrop for their house at economical rates. Available in a wide variety of ready stock designs, these photo murals are set to turn heads once they’re mounted on the wall. The entire range of photomurals is conceived by our experts working across Germany, Europe.

<strong>Product Assurance</strong>

Our photo mural wallpapers are available in striking graphic motifs, patterns and designs in a variety of sizes from small, medium, large to fit exactly with the wall dimension of our client’s house. Our wallpaper can be used indoors & outdoors. Our photomural wallpapers are easy to install and the best way to upgrade your home. All in all, you can bank on us for flawless photomurals that embellish your property interiors.

Warehousing and Packagings

We have a large warehouse wherein we store our premium quality photo mural wallpaper in a secure environment. Our company also uses eco-friendly and quality packaging materials to cater to the increasing demand for our wallpapers in our existing client base. Our professionals guarantee that our bulk orders are delivered to the customers within the stipulated time at cost-effective rates.