
Tired of the same wallpaper ideas? Here’s how to modern wallpaper!

Modern wallpaper is trending (maybe it never even went away), and we’re here for it. Let’s check out some cool modern wallpaper ideas that can be implemented in no time.


Nothing beats striking symmetry in spaces large and small and when considering cool wallpaper ideas that will remain timeless in feel, this take on wall coverings should be at the top of your list. Think oversized stripes and symmetrical patterns that are playful in scale.


A black and white color scheme makes for dramatically cool wallpaper ideas with a crisp feel in any room. Let the classic combo redefine a space and pair it with bold hits of color to emphasize the look. And since it’s a great combo for even the smallest of spaces, think of it as a classic that you can work to your advantage as trends and tastes change since it will always look fresh.


When it comes to room-defining modern wallpaper ideas in even the smallest of spaces, think about how you can really create a remarkable feel that’ll keep guests intrigued long after they’ve left.
Think prints filled with personality and delightful plays on nature and elements that have an organic feel to them.


Since nothing beats the look and feel of the familiar, consider going for modern wallpaper ideas that touch on the traditional with a toile printed wallpaper with a twist. Think dramatic and unexpected additions that make the print feel of the moment and even forward-thinking.


Another riff on the classics, a bountiful floral print can also be considered as cool wallpaper ideas thanks to updated plays on florals that’ll be sure to spark conversations. And since they’ll always look and feel timeless, especially when looking to resell your home, opt for floral wallpaper prints that feature unique plays on florals that are subtle enough for the eye to skip over.


Another great take on cool wallpaper ideas for home in a small space, asymmetrical geometric print is perfect for adding a sense of strength while keeping the look endlessly appealing. Go for a striking contrast to really emphasize the look and keep it interesting by pairing it with bold details that include matte metallics and electric pops of color.


If you’re on the hunt for cool wallpaper ideas that are anything but subtle, consider abstracted patterns a viable option for energizing any room in a home. By going for the unexpected you’ll create a dramatic focal point that guests will be talking about long after they’ve left.
A lively pattern will pair well with just about any kind of design style, from emphasizing an eclectic feel to maximizing a minimal look.


Add a sense of visual play and a riff on classic wallpaper prints with a delightful fruit print in an oversized scale for a modern take on wallpaper ideas. To keep the look light and minimal, do go for a white background to also emphasize the graphic wit of the print that you do bring in. Think large-scaled oranges, bananas, pineapples, and even strawberries for a sweetly dramatic twist on the traditional.


Instead of going for a traditionally sweet floral that’s full of saccharine charm, go for a more modern spirit with cool wallpaper ideas for home that play on florals in an unexpected style. Think large-scale blooms, dramatically brooding hues, and unique patterns.
This way you’ll ensure that your wallpaper will remain fresh in feel and timeless to boot without having to veer too far off into the experimental.


Have fun with cool wallpaper ideas and go for animal, bird, and nature prints that are almost illustrative in feel for a look that’s easy on the eye and deliciously decadent without coming off as too childish or naive.
Think a white background brought to life with an array of animal depictions in motion to really energize any room in your home. Even better if you have children as they’ll more than likely spend hours fixated on your unique novelty print wallpaper.